Warts and dermal elevations: elimination with guarantees

Primary skin lesions –those that appear directly on it without being a result of other actions such as a trauma or scratching– can be of very different types:

– Flat lesions: different colour to the normal skin tone –maculae– that may be a response to congenital vascular lesions and/or alterations of the melanin concentration.

– Solid lesions: circumscribed elevation –papules–, like a plateau–plaques– or like tumours –warts, nodules, papilloma.

– Liquid lesions: containing fluids –vesicles and blisters– and fluid-containing cavities like cysts.

Most of them are benign, meaning non-cancerous benign, but when the diagnosis is unclear, they are painful and unsightly, or they limit movements it may be preferable to remove them.

Why eliminate a skin lesion?

In addition to practical or aesthetic reasons, surgery can be also recommended to eliminate skin lesions that show signs of becoming malignant –cancerous–, like a mole that changes its shape or colour. It is convenient to send a small sample of the excised tissue to a laboratory for its analysis: this is called a biopsy.

Surgical removal is the most common treatment for almost all skin lesions. Warts can be removed with surgeries, be treated with a chemical substance or be frozen with liquid gas, although a CO2 Laser treatment is the best option.

Patients can be given local anaesthesia by using an anaesthetic cream or by infiltration.